/* * jQuery.flickable v1.0b3 + cms/es 2016 * * Copyright (c) 2010 lagos * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * * http://lagoscript.org */ (function($, window, Math, undefined) { ///////// var flickable, document = window.document, // Whether browser has touchScreen touchDevice = /iphone|ipod|ipad|android|blackberry/, isAndroid = /android/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()), // Check if the target node is not needed to cancel default action. specialNodes = /^(input|textarea|select|option|button|embed|object)$/, specialNodesForTouch = new RegExp('^(input|textarea|select|option|button|embed|object|a' + (isAndroid ? '' : '|img') + ')$'); // Inspired by jQuery UI $.fn.flickable = flickable = function(options) { if (typeof options === "string") { // method call var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), returnValue = this; this.each(function() { var instance = $.data(this, 'flickable'), value = instance && $.isFunction(instance[options]) ? instance[options].apply(instance, args) : instance; if (value !== instance && value !== undefined) { returnValue = value; return false; } }); return returnValue; } else { return this.each(function() { var instance = $.data(this, 'flickable'); if (instance) { $.extend(true, instance.options, options) instance.init(); } else { $.data(this, 'flickable', new flickable.prototype.create(options, this)); } }); } }; flickable.prototype = { options: { cancel: null, disabled: false, elasticConstant: 0.16, friction: 0.96, section: null }, // Whether we drag canceled: false, // Don't append paddings if true noPadding: false, // Style names for layout layoutStyles: [ 'background-color', 'background-repeat', 'background-attachment', 'background-position', 'background-image', 'padding-top', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left' ], create: function(options, elem) { var self = this, element = $(elem); this.originalElement = element; this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.options, options); this.layoutStyles = $.extend([], this.layoutStyles); this.client = {x:0, y:0}; this.inertialVelocity = {x:0, y:0}; this.remainder = {x:0, y:0}; this.hasScroll = {x:false, y:false}; this.padding = {}; this.stretchPosition = {}; this.sectionPostions = []; this.preventDefaultClick = false; if (elem == window || elem == document || /^(html|body)$/i.test(elem.nodeName)) { // we don't support flick scrolling the entire page on touch device if (touchDevice.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())) return; this.box = $(window); this.elementWrapper = $('html'); this.element = $('body'); this.position = this.positionWindow; this.scroll = this.scrollWindow; // We need to copy width, border and margin if element is body this.layoutStyles.push('width'); $.each(['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'], function(i, posName) { self.layoutStyles.push(['margin', posName].join('-')); $.each(['color', 'width', 'style'], function(j, type) { self.layoutStyles.push(['border', posName, type].join('-')); }); }); } else { // We don't need to sort out elements this.box = this.elementWrapper = this.element = element; } this.init(); }, init: function() { var self = this, scripts, element = this.element; if (!this.container) { // Change type of script element to avoid reevaluating those scripts = script(element).attr('type', 'text/plain'); element.addClass('ui-flickable') .append('
') .wrapInner( '
' + '
' + '
' ); scripts.attr('type', 'text/javascript'); this.container = element.children().bind('touchstart.flickable mousedown.flickable', function(event) { return self.dragStart(event); }).bind('click.flickable', function(event) { return self.clickHandler(event); }); this.wrapper = this.container.children(); this.content = this.wrapper.children(); this.elementWrapper.bind('touchstart.flickable mousedown.flickable keydown.flickable', function() { self.deactivate(); }).bind('touchend.flickable mouseup.flickable mouseleave.flickable keyup.flickable', function() { self.activate(); }); // Save original style element.data('style.flickable', element.attr('style')); // Copy styles onto content to keep layouts $.each(this.layoutStyles, function(i, proper) { var style = element.css(proper); self.content.css(proper, style); if (proper === 'background-color') { self.wrapper.css(proper, $.inArray(style, ['transparent', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)']) >= 0 ? '#FFF' : style); } else if (proper === 'width') { element.css(proper, 'auto'); } else if (/^(padding-\w+|margin-\w+|border-\w+-width)$/.test(proper)) { element.css(proper, 0); } else if (/^(background-image|border-\w+-style)$/.test(proper)) { element.css(proper, 'none'); } }); if ($.nodeName(element[0], 'body')) { this.box.bind('resize.flickable', function() { setTimeout(function() { !self.options.disabled && self.refresh(); }, 0); }); } else { if (element.css('position') === 'static') { // Fix overflow bugs in IE element.css('position', 'relative'); } } $(window).bind('unload.flickable', function() { self.disable(); }); } this.option(this.options); this.activate(); }, option: function(key, value) { var self = this, options = key; if (arguments.length === 0) { return $.extend({}, this.options); } if (typeof key === "string") { if (value === undefined) { return this.options[key]; } options = {}; options[key] = value; } $.each(options, function(key, value) { self.setOption(key, value); }); return this; }, setOption: function(key, value) { var self = this, refresh = false; this.options[key] = value; switch (key) { case 'cancel': this.cancel && this.cancel.removeClass('ui-flickable-canceled').unbind('.flickable'); // Add elements that has scroll this.cancel = $('div', this.content).map(function(i, elem) { return hasScroll(elem) ? elem : null; }).add($('iframe,textarea,select', this.content)); if (value) { this.cancel = this.cancel.add($(value, this.content)); } this.cancel.addClass('ui-flickable-canceled').bind('touchstart.flickable mouseenter.flickable', function() { self.canceled = true; }).bind('touchend.flickable mouseleave.flickable', function() { self.canceled = false; }); break; case 'disabled': this.element[value ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('ui-flickable-disabled'); if (!value) { this.selected = undefined; } refresh = true; this.noPadding = value; break; case 'section': this.sections = null; if (value) { this.sections = $(value, this.content); refresh = true; } break; } refresh && this.refresh(); return this; }, destroy: function() { var self = this, scripts; this.noPadding = true; this.refresh(); this.element .attr('style', this.element.data('style.flickable') || null) .removeClass('ui-flickable ui-flickable-disabled') .removeData('style.flickable'); this.elementWrapper.unbind('.flickable'); this.box.unbind('.flickable'); this.cancel.unbind('.flickable').removeClass('ui-flickable-canceled'); $(window).unbind('.flickable'); scripts = script(this.content).attr('type', 'text/plain'); this.content.add(this.wrapper).add(this.container) .replaceWith(this.content.children()); scripts.attr('type', 'text/javascript'); this.container = this.content = this.wrapper = this.cancel = this.selected = undefined; return this; }, enable: function() { return this.setOption('disabled', false); }, disable: function() { return this.setOption('disabled', true); }, trigger: function(type, event, data) { var callback = this.options[type]; event = $.Event(event); event.type = (type === 'flick' ? type : 'flick' + type).toLowerCase(); data = data || {}; if (event.originalEvent) { for (var i = $.event.props.length, prop; i;) { prop = $.event.props[--i]; event[prop] = event.originalEvent[prop]; } } this.originalElement.trigger(event, data); return !(callback && callback.call(this.element[0], event, data) === false || event.isDefaultPrevented()); }, refresh: function() { var self = this, scroll = {x:0, y:0}, width, wrapperPosition, maxWidth, maxHeight, content = this.content, padding = this.padding, _padding = $.extend({}, padding), clientElement = document.compatMode === 'CSS1Compat' ? this.elementWrapper : this.element, box = {}; width = content.width(); content.width('auto'); maxHeight = this.elementWrapper.prop('scrollHeight') - (_padding.height || 0) * 2; maxWidth = this.elementWrapper.prop('scrollWidth') - (_padding.width || 0) * 2; if (width > maxWidth) { content.width(width); maxWidth = content.outerWidth() + parseInt(content.css('margin-left')) + parseInt(content.css('margin-right')); } $.each({'Height':maxHeight, 'Width':maxWidth}, function(dimension, max) { var _dimension = dimension.toLowerCase(); box[_dimension] = self.box[_dimension](); // Attach paddings if element has scroll padding[_dimension] = max > clientElement.prop('client' + dimension) && !self.noPadding ? Math.round(box[_dimension] / 2) : 0; }); this.container.width(box.width >= maxWidth ? 'auto' : maxWidth).css({ 'padding-top': padding.height, 'padding-bottom': padding.height, 'padding-left': padding.width, 'padding-right': padding.width }); maxWidth = box.width > maxWidth ? box.width : maxWidth; this.hasScroll.x = this.elementWrapper.prop('scrollWidth') > clientElement.prop('clientWidth'); this.hasScroll.y = this.elementWrapper.prop('scrollHeight') > clientElement.prop('clientHeight'); wrapperPosition = this.position(this.wrapper); this.stretchPosition = { top: wrapperPosition.top, bottom: wrapperPosition.top + maxHeight - clientElement.prop('clientHeight'), left: wrapperPosition.left, right: wrapperPosition.left + maxWidth - clientElement.prop('clientWidth') }; this.sectionPostions = this.sections ? this.sections.map(function() { return self.position(this); }).get() : []; $.each({x:'width', y:'height'}, function(axis, dimension) { scroll[axis] = padding[dimension] - (_padding[dimension] || 0); }); this.scroll(scroll.x, scroll.y); return this; }, scroll: function(x, y) { $("#debug").text("x:"+x+" y:"+y); var box = this.box; x && box.scrollLeft(box.scrollLeft() + x); y && box.scrollTop(box.scrollTop() + y); return this; }, scrollWindow: function(x, y) { this.box[0].scrollBy(parseInt(x), parseInt(y)); return this; }, position: function(elem) { var offset1 = $(elem).offset(), offset2 = this.element.offset(); return { top: Math.floor(offset1.top - offset2.top + this.box.scrollTop()), left: Math.floor(offset1.left - offset2.left + this.box.scrollLeft()) }; }, positionWindow: function(elem) { var offset = $(elem).offset(); return { top: Math.floor(offset.top), left: Math.floor(offset.left) }; }, activate: function() { this.scrollBack(); return this; }, deactivate: function() { if (this.isScrolling()) { this.preventDefaultClick = true; } this.remainder.x = 0; this.remainder.y = 0; this.inertialVelocity.x = 0; this.inertialVelocity.y = 0; // !this.options.disabled && this.refresh(); clearInterval(this.inertia); clearInterval(this.back); return this; }, clickHandler: function(event) { if (this.preventDefaultClick) { event.preventDefault(); this.preventDefaultClick = false; } }, dragStart: function(event) { var self = this, e = event.type === 'touchstart' ? event.originalEvent.touches[0] : event; if (event.type === 'touchstart' && event.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) { return; } if (!this.canceled && !this.options.disabled) { this.timeStamp = event.timeStamp; $.each(['x', 'y'], function(i, axis) { self.client[axis] = e['client' + axis.toUpperCase()]; self.inertialVelocity[axis] = 0; }); if (this.trigger('dragStart', event) === false) return false; this.container.unbind('touchstart.flickable mousedown.flickable') .bind('touchmove.flickable mousemove.flickable', function(event) { return self.drag(event); }).bind('touchend.flickable mouseup.flickable mouseleave.flickable', function(event) { return self.dragStop(event); }); if (!(event.type === 'touchstart' ? specialNodesForTouch : specialNodes).test(event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase())) { event.preventDefault(); } } }, drag: function(event) { var self = this, velocity = {}, t = event.timeStamp - this.timeStamp, e = event.type === 'touchmove' ? event.originalEvent.touches[0] : event; if (event.type === 'touchmove' && event.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) { return; } if (this.trigger('drag', event) === false) return false; $.each(['x', 'y'], function(i, axis) { var client = e['client' + axis.toUpperCase()]; velocity[axis] = self.hasScroll[axis] && (!self.draggableAxis || self.draggableAxis === axis) ? self.client[axis] - client : 0; self.client[axis] = client; if (t) self.inertialVelocity[axis] = velocity[axis] / t; }); if (this.sections && !this.draggableAxis) { this.draggableAxis = Math.abs(velocity.x) > Math.abs(velocity.y) ? 'x' : 'y'; velocity[this.draggableAxis === 'x' ? 'y' : 'x'] = 0; } this.timeStamp = event.timeStamp; velocity = this.velocity(velocity); this.scroll(velocity.x, velocity.y); if (!specialNodes.test(event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase())) { event.preventDefault(); } this.preventDefaultClick = true; }, dragStop: function(event) { var self = this; if (event.type === 'touchend' && event.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) { return; } if (this.trigger('dragStop', event) === false) return false; this.container.unbind('.flickable') .bind('touchstart.flickable mousedown.flickable', function(event) { return self.dragStart(event); }).bind('click.flickable', function(event) { return self.clickHandler(event); }); this.flick(); }, flick: function() { var self = this, options = this.options, box = this.box, inertialVelocity = this.inertialVelocity, friction = options.friction; // Make sure that the method is executed only once clearInterval(this.inertia); $.each(inertialVelocity, function(axis, velocity) { if (Math.abs(velocity) < 0.1) inertialVelocity[axis] = 0; }); if (this.sections) { var destination, distance, axis; if (this.isScrolling()) { var distances, nearest, scrollPos, posName, scroll, scrollTop = box.scrollTop(), scrollLeft = box.scrollLeft(); if (Math.abs(inertialVelocity.x) > Math.abs(inertialVelocity.y)) { axis = 'x'; posName = 'left'; scroll = 'scrollLeft'; scrollPos = scrollLeft; inertialVelocity.y = 0; } else { axis = 'y'; posName = 'top'; scroll = 'scrollTop'; scrollPos = scrollTop; inertialVelocity.x = 0; } distances = $.map(this.sectionPostions, function(position) { if ((inertialVelocity[axis] > 0 && position[posName] > scrollPos) || (inertialVelocity[axis] < 0 && position[posName] < scrollPos)) { return Math.abs(position.top - scrollTop) + Math.abs(position.left - scrollLeft); } return Infinity; }); nearest = Math.min.apply(Math, distances); if (nearest !== Infinity) { destination = this.sectionPostions[$.inArray(nearest, distances)][posName]; distance = destination - scrollPos; friction = false; } } } inertialVelocity.x *= 13; inertialVelocity.y *= 13; this.inertia = setInterval(function() { if(inertialVelocity.x==-Infinity){ inertialVelocity.x = 0; } if(inertialVelocity.y==-Infinity){ inertialVelocity.y = 0; } if (options.disabled || !self.isScrolling() || self.trigger('flick') === false) { inertialVelocity.x = 0; inertialVelocity.y = 0; clearInterval(self.inertia); self.scrollBack(); return; } if (destination !== undefined) { var scrollPos = box[scroll](); if ((distance > 0 && scrollPos > destination) || (distance < 0 && scrollPos < destination)) { // Do scrollback when position pass over the destination inertialVelocity[axis] = 0; } else { inertialVelocity[axis] = options.elasticConstant / 4 * distance; } } $.extend(inertialVelocity, self.velocity(inertialVelocity, friction)); self.scroll(inertialVelocity.x, inertialVelocity.y); }, 13); return this; }, scrollBack: function() { var self = this, options = this.options, inertialVelocity = this.inertialVelocity, cancel = false; clearInterval(this.back); this.back = setInterval(function() { if (options.disabled || (inertialVelocity.x && inertialVelocity.y)) return; var velocity = {}, extension = {}; if (self.sections) { var pos, distances, index, selected, scrollTop = self.box.scrollTop(), scrollLeft = self.box.scrollLeft(); // Calculate distances between sections and scroll position distances = $.map(self.sectionPostions, function(position) { return Math.abs(position.top - scrollTop) + Math.abs(position.left - scrollLeft); }); index = $.inArray(Math.min.apply(Math, distances), distances); pos = self.sectionPostions[index]; extension = { x: self.hasScroll.x ? scrollLeft - pos.left : 0, y: self.hasScroll.y ? scrollTop - pos.top : 0 }; if (!extension.x && !extension.y && !self.isScrolling()) { selected = self.sections.eq(index); } } else { extension = self.stretch(); } $.each(inertialVelocity, function(axis, v) { // Don't scroll when inertia scroll is active velocity[axis] = v ? 0 : -1 * options.elasticConstant * extension[axis]; }); velocity = self.velocity(velocity, false); if (velocity.x || velocity.y) { cancel = self.trigger('scrollBack') === false; } if ((!extension.x && !extension.y) || cancel) { if (selected) { // Reset draggable axis self.draggableAxis = undefined; if (!self.selected || self.selected[0] != selected[0]) { var data = { newSection: selected, oldSection: self.selected }; self.selected = $(selected[0]); self.trigger('change', null, data); } } clearInterval(self.back); return; } self.scroll(velocity.x, velocity.y); }, 13); return this; }, select: function(index) { var self = this, box = this.box, scrollLeft = box.scrollLeft(), scrollTop = box.scrollTop(), inertialVelocity = this.inertialVelocity, destination, distance; clearInterval(this.back); clearInterval(this.inertia); destination = this.sectionPostions[index]; distance = { x: destination.left - scrollLeft, y: destination.top - scrollTop } this.inertia = setInterval(function() { $.each({x:'Left', y:'Top'}, function(axis, posName) { var scrollPos = box['scroll' + posName](); posName = posName.toLowerCase(); if ((distance[axis] > 0 && scrollPos > destination[posName]) || (distance[axis] < 0 && scrollPos < destination[posName])) { inertialVelocity[axis] = 0; } else { inertialVelocity[axis] = self.options.elasticConstant / 4 * distance[axis]; } }); if (self.options.disabled || !self.isScrolling()) { clearInterval(self.inertia); self.scrollBack(); return; } $.extend(inertialVelocity, self.velocity(inertialVelocity, false)); self.scroll(inertialVelocity.x, inertialVelocity.y); }, 13); return this; }, stretch: function() { var self = this, stretch = {x: 0, y: 0}, stretchPosition = this.stretchPosition; $.each({x:['left', 'right', 'Left'], y:['top', 'bottom', 'Top']}, function(axis, posNames) { var scrollPos; if (!self.hasScroll[axis]) return; scrollPos = self.box['scroll' + posNames[2]](); if (scrollPos < stretchPosition[posNames[0]]) { stretch[axis] = scrollPos - stretchPosition[posNames[0]]; } else if (scrollPos > stretchPosition[posNames[1]]) { stretch[axis] = scrollPos - stretchPosition[posNames[1]]; } }); // Stretch can be negative return stretch; }, velocity: function(velocity, friction) { var self = this, f = {}, _velocity = {}; if (friction !== false) { f = this.friction(friction); } $.each(velocity, function(axis, v) { v += self.remainder[axis] || 0; if (f[axis] !== undefined) { v *= f[axis]; } // Make sure that the velocity is integer _velocity[axis] = Math.round(v); // Save remainders to calculate precise velocity for next method call self.remainder[axis] = v - _velocity[axis]; }); return _velocity; }, friction: function(_default) { var self = this, f = {}, stretch = this.stretch(); if (_default === undefined) _default = 1; $.each({x:'width', y:'height'}, function(axis, dimension) { f[axis] = _default; if (stretch[axis]) { var padding = self.padding[dimension]; f[axis] *= (padding - Math.abs(stretch[axis])) / padding; } }); return f; }, isScrolling: function() { return this.inertialVelocity.x || this.inertialVelocity.y; } }; flickable.prototype.create.prototype = flickable.prototype; function hasScroll(elem) { elem = $(elem); if ($.inArray(elem.css('overflow'), ['scroll', 'auto']) >= 0) { return elem.prop('scrollWidth') > elem.prop('clientWidth') || elem.prop('scrollHeight') > elem.prop('clientHeight'); } return false; } function script(elem) { return $('script', elem).map(function(i, script) { var type = $(script).attr('type'); return !type || type.toLowerCase() === 'text/javascript' ? script : null; }); } })(jQuery, window, Math);